速報APP / 娛樂 / Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital

Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital(圖1)-速報App

Girls, the rescue team received an emergency rescue mission. There are many people were trapped and injured by a hurricane. Let us join the rescue team and help those waiting to be rescued. Everyone is in a panic at the moment. So make sure to comfort them first and then do everything you can to treat them. Come on,be brave!

Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital(圖2)-速報App


Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital(圖3)-速報App

1.Timely help the drowning boy to drain water from the respiratory tract.Help him with heart resuscitation surgery and help him change clean his clothes.

Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital(圖4)-速報App

2.Help the tall man with leg surgery whose leg has broken by the boulder. He can't stand the pain any more.

Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital(圖5)-速報App

3.The girl's arm was burned by the fire, so help her quickly cleaned the wound and cool it down. Girls love beauty,so wrap them in pretty gauze.

Rescue Action - Doctor Hospital(圖6)-速報App

4.The hurricane knocked down the trees in the woods and hurt the girl who was playing. Wipe the dirt off her body first and then help her heal.

5.The old woman walking in the park was so frightened that she heart was wounded and needed a heart stent. This is a big operation and it has to be more serious.

6.Take a look at these trophy. Thank you for being brave.